Fully autonomous containerised Solar Powered Microwave Plasma Reactor (MPR) Desalination Plants for the production of drinking water anywhere in the world, regardless of the quality of the incoming water.

Advantages of microwave plasma reactor (MPR) technology
The MPR technology is the most effective and convenient way to remove hardness from water and it should be noted that the unique desalination via microwave plasma technology destroys bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms.
The professional use of water treatment systems is all the more logical as it ensures the precise characteristics of the water required for domestic, agricultural, industrial or professional applications:
* Desalination of high salinity water;
* Groundwater treatment
* Preparation of high purity water (e.g.injection water);
* High contaminant treatment for drinking water;
* Preparation of low conductivity water.

Microwave Plasma Reactor (MPR) desalination plants versus Reverse Osmosis desalination plants
The Solar MPR desalination pods have low upfront, as well as operational, costs when compared to large-scale Reverse Osmosis desalination plants.
The operational costs are approximately $50/acre-foot when compared against non-renewable energy driven plants, which have operational costs in excess of $2,000/acre-foot.

Environmentally Friendly Technology
MPR technology produces 1 litre of fresh natural drinking or irrigation water from just 1.3 litre of sea or brackish water and ZERO waste discharge, unlike Reverse Osmosis desalination plants that produce 100% briny waste, which is often discharged back into the ocean in super condensed form, which causes extensive damage to the aquatic environment.

Bi-products of the MPR technology driven desalination plants
A natural bi-product of the MPR process is pure salt recovery – historically trading at approximately $113 per ton.
Another bi-product of the MPR technology is the production of Hydrogen.

A turn-key desalination solution regardless of location
A major advantage of the containerised Solar Powered Microwave Plasma Reactor Desalination Plants is that they are fully autonomous and can be brought on-line literally anywhere in the world, regardless of access to the power grid, as they are powered via Solar panels and include a complete energy storage system.

For further information or to arrange an initial meeting (in person or via Zoom) please contact:
Gianluca Di Caro
Chief Executive Officer
S.Y. Capital Holdings Limited
71-75 Shelton Street,
Covent Garden,
London WC2H 9JQ,
United Kingdom
Mobile/WhatsApp/BOTIM (UK): +44 (0)7789 364702
Phone: +44 (0)20 8202 8224
Mobile/WhatsApp/BOTIM (Saudi Arabia) +966 56 674 0363
E.Mail: gianluca@sycapital.uk
E.Mail: info@sycapital.uk